【Thanos Ransomware (.y9sx7x) 攻撃映像】
- 照会
- 9359
・MD5 : b4282c7f3fa918a48c6cc2a8d1872764
・検知名:Ransom.Hakbit (Malwarebytes), Ransom.MSIL.THANOS.SM (Trend Micro)
- C:\Users\%UserName%\AppData\Local\Temp\RESTORE_FILES_INFO.txt
- C:\Users\%UserName%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\mystartup.lnk
- C:\Users\%UserName%\Desktop\RESTORE_FILES_INFO.txt
- オフライン暗号化(Offline Encryption)
- Prometheusランサムウェア系
- Windowsファイアウォールルール許容("netsh" advfirewall firewall set rule group=\"Network Discovery\" new enable=Yes, "netsh" advfirewall firewall set rule group="File and Printer Sharing" new enable=Yes)
- Raccineランサムウェア保護プログラム無効化("taskkill" /F /IM RaccineSettings.exe, "reg" delete "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" /V "Raccine Tray" /F, "reg" delete HKCU\Software\Raccine /F, "schtasks" /DELETE /TN "Raccine Rules Updater" /F)
- 特定プロセス(dbeng50.exe, dbsnmp.exe, msaccess.exe, mspub.exe, mydesktopservice.exe, thebat.exeなど)実行遮断
- 特定サービス(CAARCUpdateSvc, MSExchangeSRS, MSSQL$SHAREPOINT, SQLAgent$CXDB, VeeamCloudSvc, WRSVCなど)中止
- 特定サービス("sc.exe" config Dnscache start= auto, "sc.exe" config FDResPub start= auto, "sc.exe" config SQLTELEMETRY start= disabled, "sc.exe" config SQLTELEMETRY$ECWDB2 start= disabled, "sc.exe" config SQLWriter start= disabled, "sc.exe" config SSDPSRV start= auto, "sc.exe" config SstpSvc start= disabled, "sc.exe" config upnphost start= auto)設定変更
- システム復元無緑化("powershell.exe" & Get-WmiObject Win32_Shadowcopy | ForEach-Object { $_Delete(); })
- ゴミ箱を空にする("cmd.exe" /c rd /s /q <ドライブ文字>\\$Recycle.bin)
・MD5 : b4282c7f3fa918a48c6cc2a8d1872764
・検知名:Ransom.Hakbit (Malwarebytes), Ransom.MSIL.THANOS.SM (Trend Micro)
- C:\Users\%UserName%\AppData\Local\Temp\RESTORE_FILES_INFO.txt
- C:\Users\%UserName%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\mystartup.lnk
- C:\Users\%UserName%\Desktop\RESTORE_FILES_INFO.txt
- オフライン暗号化(Offline Encryption)
- Prometheusランサムウェア系
- Windowsファイアウォールルール許容("netsh" advfirewall firewall set rule group=\"Network Discovery\" new enable=Yes, "netsh" advfirewall firewall set rule group="File and Printer Sharing" new enable=Yes)
- Raccineランサムウェア保護プログラム無効化("taskkill" /F /IM RaccineSettings.exe, "reg" delete "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" /V "Raccine Tray" /F, "reg" delete HKCU\Software\Raccine /F, "schtasks" /DELETE /TN "Raccine Rules Updater" /F)
- 特定プロセス(dbeng50.exe, dbsnmp.exe, msaccess.exe, mspub.exe, mydesktopservice.exe, thebat.exeなど)実行遮断
- 特定サービス(CAARCUpdateSvc, MSExchangeSRS, MSSQL$SHAREPOINT, SQLAgent$CXDB, VeeamCloudSvc, WRSVCなど)中止
- 特定サービス("sc.exe" config Dnscache start= auto, "sc.exe" config FDResPub start= auto, "sc.exe" config SQLTELEMETRY start= disabled, "sc.exe" config SQLTELEMETRY$ECWDB2 start= disabled, "sc.exe" config SQLWriter start= disabled, "sc.exe" config SSDPSRV start= auto, "sc.exe" config SstpSvc start= disabled, "sc.exe" config upnphost start= auto)設定変更
- システム復元無緑化("powershell.exe" & Get-WmiObject Win32_Shadowcopy | ForEach-Object { $_Delete(); })
- ゴミ箱を空にする("cmd.exe" /c rd /s /q <ドライブ文字>\\$Recycle.bin)